Tuesday, November 2, 2010

What Do You Want to with your life?

someone asked me that question the other day and I had no clear answer. In fact I think that is perhaps the harshest question someone can ask another person especially when they are pretty much unemployed like I am. The truth is, I really don't know, and what I am wondering if I am just too scared of the answer. Too scared to take that leap and risk everything.

My parents were both practical people. My Dad worked in a factory and hated every minute of it and I swore when he passed that I would find something to do that I loved, that I could get up and do everyday and be happy doing it. Now that quest (I am calling it a quest because its been pretty epic) has lead me down many paths, and like Goldilocks I tried all of them from History Professor, to Librarian, to Journalist and finally to Graphic Design. I thought I had found my calling, found what makes me happy and it does, almost.

Now I know there are always aspects of a job your not going to like but the truth is, parts of the job stress me out and worry me. For example what if I send a file to print and I screwed it up. The tediousness of the job is something I really am not a fan of. The art aspect, the creating aspect THE BIG IDEA I love and I know that in design we are never going to be truly happy because when it comes down to it its up to the clients.

However despite the fact that sometimes I don't feel good enough, when I miss a spelling mistake or when my job has to be reprinted because I screwed up, when a piece is done and it looks good and I am 80% with it and the client loves it. (but mostly when I am happy with it). Design can bring me the most joy, that I've ever experienced and that is why I love design.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Shoe Ads

This Shoe Ad I bought the image of the dancer from istock. and the background image was created in photoshop using brushes.

Shoe Ad- the newest one is done for the shoes that converse promotes you drawing on and I really liked that they employed the Hello my name is sticker its the companion piece to the first one and I wanted to use big type ad format to show the variety of ads that I work with.

a little ad I did for Converse shoes background grafitti can be found herehttp://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&section=&q=graffiti+wall#/d1dp2wv.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

A designer's Nightmare

As designers the wheel of death is the loading icon for mac. For PC'S just think of the blue screen of death and it is always scary when that wheel just continues to turn. That is why I did this little illustration.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Arcade Fire: Pioneers of a Great Rock Concert

On the 14th of August I had the distinct pleasure of seeing the Arcade Fire in Concert and I must say that they are quite the musicians, they played beautifully and the crowd was so into it. I designed a piece for them and here it is:
the text is my review of the concert and it reads:

If there is one band you should see live this year, Arcade Fire should be it. I had the chance to see them at the concert on Centre Island in Toronto They were without a doubt the best band I have seen live EVER. Their ability to play multiple instruments, and be all around awesome astounded even cynical me. They really got the crowd into in a way that I have never seen and there was such an appreciation and love of what we saw before us. What we saw was masterful, and you couldn’t help but sing along. The last song of the night was the anthem “Wake Up”

and I think even the band were surprised by the enthusiasm and fervour at which the crowd was into it. It was a truly great concert and I guess I’ve drank the Arcade Fire Kool-Aid and I can say is “Can I have some more”.

Hope you like it.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Dreaded Job Hunt

So It's been like a year since I updated this bliggity blog of randomness. Suffice to say in a year I've graduated from university and traveled to Europe. The trip to Europe was amazing although I must say, I certainty wasn't known for my photography on the trip. My pictures all turned out fairly okay, which is to say if the view hadn't been that good there wouldn't have been any good photos at all.

So now I am working on the job hunt and my plan is to keep applying and then keep myself distracted while I was waiting for the phone to ring, so my masterful plans are as follows.

#1 get a pet of my very own - we have to cats, but they're crazy I need something managable I was thinking about a rock, and I could name him Angus. Opinions on that?

#2 basically the pet rock thing was all I could think of to keep myself busy but if you guys have any ideas let me know

#3 start a blog.....Kachooow done....check mark that one off, wow look I am so productive already.

any other ideas?